Parents & Friends

Our parents and friends are the keystone of our school community. We are very fortunate to have an active group who help support our school and our students by helping out at events, in classes, on excursions and with a wide range of other school initiatives.

One core focus of our Parents and Friends Group is that of fundraising and event planning, but the group also has a wider social role.

The main aims of the P&F are:

  • to stimulate an active interest in the life of the school;
  • to foster a strong community atmosphere among parents, teachers and students, which reflects a truly Catholic attitude built on common values and a foundation of inclusivity;
  • to promote a spirit of genuine cooperation between parents, staff and students of the school;
  • to provide financial assistance through various fundraising initiatives to improve the school’s facilities and teaching resources;
  • to have all parents enjoy the experience of their children’s school years by active participation and personal involvement in the school programs

If you would like to get involved, please express your interest at the front office.